Welcome to the Client Render Farm
These days there's a lot of hype about server side rendering farms. Some big room filled with NVIDIA chips rendering every frame of your
video game and streaming it down to you at 30fps, Wow! Well I think I've hit on the next big idea, Client Rendering Farms. That's
right, in my model the scene is downloaded to the CLIENT, which then renders them. It's so darned fast I had to come up with a new
unit to measure the speed, "spf" or "seconds per frame." Below is an example of this exciting new technology. I've written it in
Javascript beacause everyone knows it's the fastest programming language in the entire Universe. It uses the new canvas tag, so you're
gonna need Firefox 3.5+ or Chrome (and maybe others) to see it. Sorry IE folks.
Information about the currently loaded scene |
Object Count |
Light Count |